MoboBot Documentation
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MoboBot is a compact yet powerful open-source robot designed to help students, makers, and engineers explore mobile robotics with ROS2—both in real-world applications and simulation.
It is an open-source differential drive ROS2 educational robot (similar to the popular TurtleBot, Andino, Lino robot, Duckiebot etc.), created by Samuel Obiagba (aka samuko-things) founder of robocre8, to foster hands-on learning of advanced mobile robotics concepts such as sensor-fusion, control, state-estimation, localization, SLAM, navigation, obstacle avoidance, perception, and AI, leveraging the use of ROS2 (as well as Arduino) Framework.
This will ensure the longevity and future of open-source robotics in Nigeria and Africa, as well as the world.
✅ Powered by Raspberry Pi 4B for onboard processing ✅ RPLidar for SLAM, AMCL and Navigation (pre-configured with Nav2) ✅ It uses the EPMC module and EIMU Module for its base control and sensor fusion (EKF). ✅ USB Camera for OpenCV + ROS2 perception and camera streaming ✅ Gazebo Ignition simulation environment for algorithm test before implementation. ✅ Easy to work with and build.
is the MoboBot ROS2 simulation with Gazebo Ignition.
To Simulate the MoboBot on you dev-PC follow this mobo_bot_sim tutorial
is the base control package for the actual physical MoboBot robot. it launches all the controls, sensor-fusion, lidar and camera, to get started with working with the robot.
the mobo_bot_base package is meant to run on the Raspberry Pi 4 on the robot.
is meant to run on your Dev PC which will be connected to the robot via ssh. For visualizing the robot state, sensor data, navigation, etc.
to get started with the actual physical MoboBot robot (which uses the Raspberry Pi 4), follow this mobo_bot_base tutorial